
概述 & 目的

科林大学 strives to provide meaningful learning opportunities for our students while also recognizing the knowledge and skills students have gained outside of the 传统的大学设置. 设计了先验学习评估(PLA)过程 to recognize and evaluate learning gained through diverse educational, work, and/or 培训经验. 



PLA 提供了 students the ability to earn college credit for learning acquired outside 正式的课堂环境. 通过认识学生的学习经验 a prior learning assessment process helps students complete their degree or certificate 更快,成本更低.





大学先修课程(AP) - Administered by the 大学 Board, Advanced Placement exams give students "the chance to tackle college-level work while they're still in high school...并通过 通过AP考试,学生可以获得大学学分和大学安置." 了解更多 火博体育官网大学理事会的大学先修课程或 复习分数 学生需要有资格获得大学学分. 


大学水平考试计划(CLEP) - Administered by the 大学 Board, the 大学-Level Examination Program (CLEP) 提供了 students opportunities to earn college credit in select subject areas. 一般来说, CLEP exams are computer-based and contain multiple choice questions. 了解更多 火博体育官网大学委员会的大学水平考试计划或 复习分数 学生需要有资格获得大学学分. 


国际文凭(IB) - The International Baccalaureate Diploma is an international program of courses 以及面向高中生的考试. 了解更多 about the opportunities available using the International Baccalaureate Diploma or 复习分数 学生需要有资格获得大学学分. 


部门考试 - 大学 credit may be awarded based on a written examination and/or a skills demonstration 这是由教授这门课程的教师开发的. 这些考试/演示是 designed to determine if a student has the knowledge/skills needed to demonstrate 精通所教科目. 检查列表 of academic departments that offer PLA to see if there are departmental exams offered 在你的学科领域.


认证/许可 – Many students attend college while working and may obtain industry certifications 或许可. Some credentials can be evaluated by 科林大学 faculty to determine 如果它相当于大学的学分课程. 学生必须提供证明 an official, current licensure or professional certification to receive credit. 检查列表 of academic departments that offer PLA to see which ones may offer credit based on 这些凭据.


衔接课程(持续进修学分) – A linked course taken through 科林大学's Continuing Education is a non-credit course that matches the requirements and rigor of a college credit course. 查看我们的列表 链接的课程,看看我们计划很快提供哪些.




军事信贷 – Students may receive course credit by presenting evidence of having satisfactorily completed a program of military training for which equivalent college credit may be given in accordance with the American Council on Education Standards and Recommendations, 和/或根据火博体育官网教师的评估.

学生的资格 & 计划流程


To be eligible to formally petition for PLA credit, students must:


• be currently enrolled, or have been enrolled within the past five years, at Collin 大学.
• not be currently enrolled in the course for which PLA is requested.
• have officially declared the degree or certificate for which they want to apply 他们的解放军学分.




•先前完成的学分课程. (成绩为“F”或“W”的课程是 考虑完成).




• Students must complete at least 25% of their award at 科林大学. 信贷收入 via PLA and transfer coursework must not exceed the 75% PLA maximum. 此外, for workforce programs, students must earn at least one technical course at Collin 完成他们的奖励所要求的大学.


• PLA credit does not affect a student's grade point average (GPA). 此外, 通过PLA获得的学分不保证转移. 计划转学的学生 to another institution should consult with the receiving institution on GPA requirements 以及课程的可转移性.


• 信贷收入 through PLA cannot be removed from a student's transcript once it 被授予.


1. 做一名火博体育官网的学生. (如果你还不是火博体育官网的学生 第一步应该是 申请入学 在应用 Texas). 


2a. 与学术顾问会面 if you have transferable coursework from another college/university or if you’ve earned credit by exam such as 大学先修课程(AP), 大学 Level Examination Program (CLEP)或国际文凭(IB). 学术咨询不能提供正式的 evaluation of your coursework/exam scores, but they can provide guidance on how to request an evaluation and which courses would be best to take in your upcoming semester.


2b. 与学术部门会面 if you have a certification/licensure that may be PLA-eligible, or if you want to take a departmental exam and/or complete a skills demonstration that the department 提供了.


检查列表 of departments with PLA options to see what opportunities are offered in your subject area.


1. 我要开个会,看看我是否有资格参军. 我要带什么东西吗?


是的. Students should bring a current copy of their Cougar Compass degree audit with their 9-digit CougarWeb ID (CWID), their photo ID, and any potential PLA documentation 如:

-非官方考试成绩(AP, CLEP, IB)
- unofficial transcripts (high school, college/university, military)
- documentation as requested 由学术部门 such as a resume, portfolio, 等.


2. 申请解放军学分需要支付什么费用吗?


是的. 对于符合pla资格的链接课程,收费为30美元.也就是说,每门课收费00美元 从非信用变为信用. 需要提交付款收据 在解放军信贷申请正式提交的时候.


解放军院系考试收费30美元.每次考试收费00美元. 这 fee applies regardless of whether the test is administered by the Testing Center or 由学术部门. 付款收据将需要在付款前提供 可以进行考试.


For other forms of PLA, students may need to pay a fee when requesting their official 文档. However, 科林大学 does not charge an additional fee when applying PLA credits for credit by exam (specifically AP/CLEP/IB), articulated high school 信用、军工信用、行业认证.


3. 我参加了继续教育课程.e. (非学分)课程认为这是为了学分. 我还有办法拿到贷款吗?


也许. Not all Continuing Education courses are linked with a credit course and not 所有连系课程均符合解放军的资格. 联系你的教授确认是否 你修的课程是符合解放军资格的衔接课程. 如果是这样,学生可以申请 在过去五年内修习非学分课程的学分. 学生也必须 have taken at least one credit course at 科林大学 within the last five years 请求.


4. I’ve already been awarded PLA, but I want to change to a different award. 什么 我的解放军学分怎么办?


Your PLA credits aren’t applied to just one specific award; they’re applied to your 大学成绩单.


If you plan to change your intended award, check your Cougar Compass degree audit 在CougarWeb. 它会允许你 选择不同的课程 so you can see how your credits – both traditional and PLA – can be applied to different 奖.